U-Pick Berries

Hours Of Operation

We are now closed for the year.

Thank you to everyone who came out to the farm. We look forward to seeing you again next summer!


Raspberries $3 per pound
Blueberries $1.95 per pound


Our blueberry patch consists of about 300 plants which are approximately 25 years old and fully mature. Blueberry picking usually starts the second week of July and runs until the end of August, depending on the weather. We do not use a designated row system which means you are free to pick wherever you like. We have three varieties of blueberry bushes: Blue Crop, Blue Ray and Patriots.


The raspberries are normally ripe a week or so before the blueberries and have a shorter picking season.  As with the blueberries, we do not designate you to a row but we do encourage you to search for the berries. Raspberries are often hidden and you may find by looking down low or under leaves, there are lots of ripe berries.

During picking season we post daily updates to the Farm Blog

You can check-in every evening for ripening updates and picking availability for the following day.

Our berries are U-pick, so bring buckets, your hat, some friends and come out to the farm for some family friendly fun!