McClintock’s Farm
More than just your average family owned farm!
Gerry McClintock
Gerry is the operations guy for the farm, making sure all the equipment is ready to go when needed and fixing it when it’s not. He is also our crop specialist, ensuring that the berries, corn, and other crops are growing well. He is the resident buffalo herder, bringing the girls up to the barn for milking twice a day, as well as the feeder and barn sanitation expert.
Val McClintock
Val was born in the Comox Valley and raised on the Rennison farm on Headquarters Road. She enjoyed growing up on the farm and wanted her children to have the same experience, so the family bought some land in 1988. Val looks after customer relations, yard maintenance, and helps with the day to day running of the farm. She is the friendly person who will greet you at the farm and has a gift for remembering customers names!
Sandra McClintock
The newest addition to family farming!
After finishing school, Sandra attended the University of Alberta and obtained a degree in agriculture, specializing in animal science. After graduation, she travelled to New Zealand where she worked on a dairy farm and then on a cattle station in Australia. Since returning home, she has worked on a number of dairy farms as the herd manager. On our farm, she is responsible for animal health, milking and breeding. Sandra started the water buffalo dairy with the purchase of 15 water buffalo heifers from Fairburn Farm in Duncan, BC and a bull from the Ontario Water Buffalo Company in Stirling, ON. She started milking March 2012 with the milk being sold to Natural Pastures Cheese Company in Courtenay for the crafting of Mozzarella cheese.
McClintock’s Farm was established in 1988 with the purchase of 23 acres in Dove Creek. Within the first few years we bought four cows and calves, put in some blueberry plants and learned a lot about farming – often the hard way!
Over the next ten years, the beef herd expanded, we planted more blueberries and added raspberries too. In 1996, we made the decision to become more than hobby farmers and purchased Val’s family’s 25 acres on Headquarters Road which has been in the family since 1876 and is a designated century farm. This makes us the fourth and fifth generations to farm this land. The expansion continued when the opportunity to buy the neighbouring 10 acres came up in 2004 and again in February 2010 with the acquisition of another 20 acres in Dove Creek.